
Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Body Hates Sugar

One thing I learned from following a low FODMAPS diet last year --My body HATES sugar in pretty much any form. Many who do the FODMAPs  elimination diet find they can add some of the FODMAPs categories back into their diet. Not me, I failed every challenge. I am okay with that fact. Once I accepted that sugar just isn't for me it all got easier.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

So... I've changed

It's been a year since I've blogged... a very busy year. In the past 9 months I've lost over 50 pounds with help from a combination of low FODMAPs and the Body Ecology Diet. I did not set out to lose, I wanted to feel better and lower my blood pressure a little as it was going in the wrong direction. After tweaking my diet one more time the weight started coming off and rather easily.

Lisa in Spring 2012
Lisa in July 2014
What a differnce a year makes, 2013
It's just so fun in 2014
My daughter sent me pictures of myself from a couple of years ago and I recognized that my appearance has actually changed. Today I will share.

Day to day I feel better and yet feel like I look pretty much the same. New clothing is a big perk, and I've had to get a new wardrobe 3 times this year. Not to mention healthy blood pressure and a healing gut.

I think I will start blogging tips again. First one... if you've already done an elimination diet with IBS Free at Last and are ready to try more, look into the Body Ecology Diet. There's a website; though I enjoy the book the most.  I keep it on my smart phone with the Kindle App.