
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Explaining FODMAPs diet to your friends

I've had a series of complicated diets for many years. No dairy, gluten free, vegegarian, vegan/plant based; which can all be explained. FODMAPs is a little more challenging since no one has ever heard of it.

Now I say, "I am intolerant to carbohydrates that ferment in the gut." Or, "I used to have a lot of trouble with my stomach, until I found out that I have trouble with certain carbohydrates that ferment in the gut."

Some people ask for more information and some people just nod and move on. I've learned that many many people have stomach trouble. I've referred a lot of people to the IBS Free at Last Book. I'm hoping I can one day go into a restaurant and ask for a low FODMAP menu.

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