
Monday, February 13, 2017

Sugar is Killing Your Taste Buds

Okay, well, maybe you are dampening your taste buds with sugar... if you are still eating it. When you eat concentrated sugars such as table sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup, honey or even non-nutritive sweeteners you are suppressing your ability to detect the sweetness in every day foods.

I gave up sugar after reading The Body Ecology Diet a couple years ago. Recently, I gave up stevia after reading Deep Nutrition and discovered that I was missing out on a lot of sweetness in the world. "These products desensitize your palate to the sweetness nature puts in almost everything." (p. 421, Deep Nutrition).

Summer squash and lettuce literally taste sweet to me now --what?! I brought a big bag of chopped romaine lettuce with me on my last flight. It was a fantastic snack (no, really). The challenge is to get through the first few days. I admit, the first week or two without sugar or artificial sweeteners is basically horrendous. Once you get through the initial hazing though, it gets easy. It's really worth it, I promise.

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